Volunteer Examiner Sign-up Application
Good evening,
Thank you to our local Volunteer Examiner Team Liaison with the ARRL, Chad KD5SMK, for providing info on tonight’s CV 2m Net about how easy it is to become a volunteer examiner and assist with amateur license testing sessions. The Application consists of essentially an open book test, no fee.
(As a point of reference, It took me just under an hour to complete the form, having never seen the questions before. I just completed it tonight between the 7:30pm Monday night ARES net and the Odessa ARS Monday night 9pm Net on 443.750 -Dave K5DCM)
If you’d like to help the local ham community by signing up to be a VE, the links below are all you need.
Link to application form (which has the open-book questions you need to answer)
Link to the guide (where all the answers are)
Then you email the application form to the email address on page 1 of the form.
If you have additional questions, our local VE Team Liason is Chad Goodman and his email address is ccg711@gmail.com
Our next local test session is March 15th!