Repeaters & Nets

SAARC-Affiliated Repeaters:

W5QX: 146.940 MHz, -0.6 MHz Offset, PL 103.5Hz
146.94 is the main SAARC repeater, also serving as the primary ARES/Skywarn repeater for Tom Green County.

K5CMW: 146.880 MHz, -0.6 MHz Offset, PL 88.5 Hz (transmit PL only)
146.88 is the backup ARES/Skywarn repeater for Tom Green County.

Other Concho Valley Repeaters:

WM5L: 443.750 MHz, +5 MHz Offset, PL 162.2Hz (transmit PL only)
443.750 is full-time linked to the PermNet system, an active linked repeater system that covers a significant portion of West Texas.

For a full listing of repeaters in Tom Green County, please visit the Tom Green County Repeaterbook page.

Weekly Net Activity

These nets are open to any licensed amateur radio operator. Most of these nets are eager to train you to be a net control operator, if you’d like to volunteer.

7:00pm Concho Valley 2 Meter Net, 146.94 repeater (-0.6 MHz, PL 103.5)
7:30pm Tom Green County ARES Net, 146.94 repeater (-0.6 MHz, PL 103.5)
8:00pm Sidewinders-on-2 SSB Net, 144.250 USB (net control located in San Angelo)
9:00pm West Texas ARC Net, 443.750 repeater (+5 MHz , PL 162.2 – transmit PL only)

7:30pm Texas Statewide DMR Net: Time-slot 2, Talkgroup 3148, 444.125 repeater (+5MHz, CC 1)

9:00pm Sunday Night 6 meter “rag chew” on 50.205 MHz USB