
Club Officers, Members-at-Large, and Appointed Positions: Listed by Year Since 2000

This listing is certainly not complete. But has been compiled with best efforts, from wesbsite archives, newspaper articles, and first hand sources. Send an email to contact@w5qx.org if you have information to add to this historical record

President Bob Heiser W7IKT
VP Dave Mulvey K5DCM
Treasurer Matthew Morris K5ICR
Secretary Palmer Wilson KI5WAQ
Member At-Large (fundraising, clubhouse remodel) Mike Dominy KD5URW
Grounds Committee Bob & Carol Heiser W7IKT, N5CBQ
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Bob Heiser W7IKT
VP Dave Mulvey K5DCM
Treasurer Jim Evans K0ITL
Secretary Matthew Morris K5ICR
Grounds Committee Bob & Carol Heiser W7IKT, N5CBQ
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President David Wolfe KA5VTG
Secretary/Treasurer David Behrend KB5FNK
Grounds Committee Bob & Carol Heiser W7IKT, N5CBQ
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President David Behrend KB5FNK
Secretary/Treasurer David Wolfe KA5TVG
Grounds Committee Bob and Carol Heiser N5CBQ
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

Records Incomplete, can you help us fill in the blanks? email us: contact@w5qx.org

President David Behrend KB5FNK
VP Don Gallion K4MJB
Secretary/Treasurer David Wolfe KA5VTG
Member-at-Large Emergency Coordinator Ken Grimm KG5BPY
Member-at-Large Public Information Matt Healey W5MAT
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President David Behrend KB5FNK
VP Johanna Augustine KE5PNP
Secretary/Treasurer David Wolfe KA5VTG
Member-at-Large Emergency Coordinator Ken Grimm KG5BPY
Member-at-Large Public Information Matt Healey W5MAT
Grounds Chairman Ralph Stout KA5ULE
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President David Behrend KB5FNK
VP Hughbert Robinson KC5NPC
Secretary/Treasurer David Wolfe KA5VTG
Activities Manager Jack Roberts KB5TMY
Member-at-Large Emergency Coordinator Ken Grimm KG5BPY
Member-at-Large Public Information Matt Healey W5MAT
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Hughbert Robinson KC5NPC
VP David Behrend KB5FNK
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Activites Manager Ken Grimm KG5BPY
Emergency Coordinator Bill Hinds KG5BQF
Grounds Chairman Ralph Stout KA5ULE
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

Records Incomplete, can you help us fill in the blanks? email us: contact@w5qx.org

President Tom Austin K4OTM
VP Joe Kent W5UI
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator Mike Dominy KD5URW
Activities Manager Hughbert Robinson KC5NPC
Grounds Chairman Marcus O’Quin KF5GKC
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Joe Kent W5UI
VP Matt Healy W5MAT
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator Mike Dominy KD5URW
Activities Manager Hughbert Robinson KC5NPC
Grounds Chairman Marcus O’Quin KF5GKC
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Ralph Stout KA5ULE
VP Matt Healey W5MAT
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator Mike Dominy KD5URW
Activities Manager Tom Austin K4OTN
Grounds Chairman Marcus O’Quin KF5GKC
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Ralph Stout KA5ULE
VP Lisa Koca K5LLK
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator Mike Dominy KD5URW
Activities Manager Hughbert Robinson KC5NPC
Grounds Chairman Joe Kent W5JBK
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Joe Kent W5JBK
VP Don Heil N5SVK
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Activities Manager & Public Information Hughbert Robinson KC5NPC
Grounds Chairman Ronnie Mecklenburg KD5WXJ
Documents & Data officer Buddy Parker KD5SBE
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Joe Kent/W5JBK
Vice President Gary Chaffin N5GRC
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator Mike Dominy KD5URW
Activities Manager Hughbert Robinson KC5NPC
Grounds Chairman Ron Mecklenburg KD5WXJ
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President David Behrend KB5FNK
VP Kent Frazier K5KNT
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator Jack Roberts KB5TMY
Activities Manager Chad Goodman KD5SMK
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Glenn Miller AA5PK
VP John Marshall KC5FMX
Secretary/Treasurer Gary Chaffin N5GRC
Emergency Coordinator David Wolfe KA5VTG
Grounds Chairman Ron Mechlenburg KC5WXJ
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President Joe Kent KC5ILD
VP Bill Murphy WA6CMJ
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator Bryan Robason KD5WGM
Activities Manager Paul Wittenborn N7SDQ
Grounds Chairman Ronnie Mecklenburg KD5WXJ
Public Information Chad Goodman KD5SMK
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

Joe Kent KC5ILD
VP David Behrend KB5FNK
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator David Wolfe KA5VTG
Activities Manager Paul Wittenborn N7SDQ
Grounds Chairman Ronnie Mecklenburg KD5WXJ
Public Information Don Gallion KD5NAI
W5QX Call Trustee Charlie Campbell KC5EZZ

President John Marshall KC5FMX
Vice President David Behrend KB5FNK
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Freeman KD5PIX
Emergency Coordinator David Wolfe KA5VTG
Activities Manager Paul Wittenborn N7SDQ
Grounds Custodian Joe Kent KC5ILD

Records Incomplete, can you help us fill in the blanks? email us: contact@w5qx.org

Records Incomplete, can you help us fill in the blanks? email us: contact@w5qx.org

Records Incomplete, can you help us fill in the blanks? email us: contact@w5qx.org

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