2024 Field Day Activities, June 22nd

All are invited to the club’s Field Day activities this weekend. As we have for last several years, we will be operating W5SJT callsign at the Emergency Operations Center. Field Day begins at 1:00pm Saturday. Our usual Potluck Supper is at 5:00pm.
All are welcome, including the public, so if you have friends or family members who might be interested in getting on the air or learning about amateur radio, Saturday afternoon would be the ideal opportunity. Address is 8485 Hangar Road, San Angelo, Texas 76904
Licensed Hams are welcome to operate any of the stations in the EOC, or set up your own antennas and to operate with your own equipment in the parking lot or shade trees around the EOC. We will operate around the clock, if we have enough people to cover, and club members are welcome to come and go as you please between 1:00pm Saturday June 22 and 1:00pm Sunday June 23.
Help us spread the word! Please forward this info to any friends or family members who might be interested in attending.
Dave Mulvey K5DCM
VP, San Angelo Amateur Radio Club